you're a mystery yourself
Sunday, 28 March 2010
5:15:00 pm


Try this link:
I think most people realised that long ago, though. Congrats if
you haven't.

I was being nice!
LJ will be deleted soon. Add me there if you want to see more
posts. I won't accuse you of being a kaypoh stalker.

Edit: Eh, why won't blogger auto-justify the stuff for me? Looks
like I'll have to do it myself...a bit weird yeah.
By the way, the blogger WILL stay alive (or as alive as it is now,

Tag replies:
Bel: Ok, sure, whatever you like, you're a guy. No problem. ^^
(Tag replies from earlier tags are all in the previous post, thanks)

the beauty.

Monday, 22 March 2010
10:09:00 pm

Eto, typing this offline because I know I won’t be able to poof a post out of nowhere later on Blogger, especially since I’ll only have fifteen freaking minutes. And MS Word has better spell-check.
Did I mention that I hate spellcheck?
Just finished my profile, which turned out to be of the unnecessarily long and rambly sort.
*falls asleep*
Really sleepy man. I slept 5½ hours last night and my body’s still used to 9+ hours of sleep…

Ugh, my f key is dying *stabs the key*
fffffffffffffff. (sounds like I’m swearing, wtf.)
The awesome thing is that there’s no CCA this week! *hopes for no CCA for four weeks, since there are 4 weeks with SAs this term*
Except, now I need to find a way to get the MC to Shiren by this week. I shall consider class tray and an explanatory note anyway, since I prolly don’t have the guts to step into the GB room at 6.50 am during the Seniors Colonize the GB Room Time. (and how am I so sure Shiren will even be there?)

I love copics (:
Except that calliehoon will start destroying them again tomorrow. Never mind, I never planned on leaving them in school (heck, not even bringing them) in the first place. Copics are so fun man, and blenders are even more awesomesauce.
Remind me to stop using awesomesauce! Argh -.-
I want to sleep.

Ok off to listen to tsuna’s Hitotsu Dake. Which is surprisingly cute and melody-sticks-in-your-head-y.
Bye (:
Tag replies later, since I actually need to be online for those.
Edit: Sorry, no time...Blogger ate my formatting (hmm, I TOTALLY did not expect that I mean Blogger never eats formatting!) I just only had time to restore it and I gotta go. Bye ^^

Edit: Okay tag replies! Gomene...
Zhixin: Hi! Ok I'll tag you back~
Bel: You narcissist. Fran is your love. Ano, Fran is...who? The one you always sms? Um, never mind...

the beauty.

Thursday, 11 March 2010
11:04:00 pm

LJ Week was pretty much awesomesauce (:
Awesomechillisauce. Roflmao.
Go on, roflmao people. *laughs weakly*

All my posts are prolly gonna be very random now, thanks to compulsive LJ randomness. Sorry. Bear with it or freaking scram.
SO ANYWAY LIKE I WAS SAYING, Kukup was fun because of the totally cool village (seriously! Why was everyone else just freaked out about the mud!) and the foodbuying.
I finished like 2/3 of the pringles can on the bus and had to get Fang to get me to stop.
Like how I was OCD-ly cracking my knuckles in Learning Lab today and had to get Esabella to get me to stop.
So anyway, the village as totally cool man (: I'd like to actually stay there, like, for a day or two because I dunno I just think their culture is totally unique and awesomesauce.
I have to stop using awesomesauce.

Singapore River/Chinatown tomorrow...wu hua ke shuo, I guess.
Honestly, it sounds mundane compared to the others.
Nvm. Laptop is running out of battery.

*plugs in charger*What? You really thought I would shut it down?
So anyway, I shall be nice and dump a random excerpt from my livejournal because I'm too lazy to go on.

Lalala the changi prison chapel trip thingy was fun (:
Except I got like a freaking stomachache halfway through. Like, WTF?
Then callie was interrogating me on the bus about what the hell I did to get that.
I don't know what I did.
The museum was freaking cool.
I think my life is so mundane that I get shocked whenever I go someplace cool. Therefore LJ Week= major headache wo3kuai4feng1le4 -esque shit.
Like Kukup yesterday, I was wondering when we would, like, see CIVILIZATION O_o
And then I was squeeing when I saw 'Singtel' instead of 'No signal' on my phone, but I always do that anyway.
callie was listening to my iPod on the bus today (i.e. yesterday) and squeeing over how cute it was...
I was thinking, you don't squee over a SHUFFLE if you have a freaking iTouch!
I told her 70% of my songs weren't English.
She puked after hearing Oretachi no Joy and Sakura Addiction. WHY. T_T
I like Oretachi no Joy! So cute.
Ok I better go.

Bye (:

Tag replies:
zhixin: YES! Thankyou so much! 本当にありがとう~ (by the way, I can't read that, 'cept for the arigatou part, that was courtesy of Babel Fish so excuse the probable bad grammar >.<) I really needed someone to revive my tagboard. Yay :D
Bel tagspam: Wao tagspam. Grimm27 isn't even a possible pairing! And I'm glad Huijie was striking out 8018. I mean, as compared to 8059. Fran? iFran? Sorry confused. Anyway thanks for tagging too (:

the beauty.

Saturday, 6 March 2010
12:13:00 am

may i present the most crack pairing in history.
Well, maybe not.
But I heard it was hot lately.
Presenting GrimmTsuna.

Reborn-approved! Yeah!
Gokudera/Yamamoto: WHAT IN H-E-DOUBLETOOTHPICKS DID TSUNA(/JYUDAIME) DO...he abandoned us for some shitty Bleach character! NOOOOOO!
Well, except he has a rather strange kittycat release from, but that isn't the point!
Ah, I see that Grimmjow has taken rather a liking to furry stuff since he joined the KHR crew. Poor Espada must be missing his release form. Ah well.
Can I send Ulqui-kun to join you guys? Maybe he can do the Varia snow guardian! And keep Grimmy company! :D

By the way, if you haven't figured out yet, that's that Gelaro guy from the latest DS game. Some Snow Guardian thingy.
Cheesy to the extreme like dinosaurs exploding qwrhnkmcnfdjgbsndkdgjjlsk;lfd/s.
Gelato haha.

Bye (:

the beauty.


*insert angel name here*
I'll wait for my mortal to find me out first.
twoeleven '10
girls' brigade
16 Feb- aquarius.
yup that's all (:

angel; devil


finished: bleach and 1/2 prince and katekyo hitman reborn.
reading: full metal alchemist. watching, actually.
next up: black cat, d. gray-man?
gave up on: maid-sama, inuyasha, shaman king.
otp: renruki (bleach)
other ships:
bleach: ulquihime, ginran, hitsuhina, byaruki, grimmulqui, a lot more
khr: 8059, 692718, belfran, 6996, cololal, XS, G27 and more probably
(the christian one) you want more specific I can give you also.
dark, dark chocolate
incognito windows on google chrome!


gross stuff
dumdums who don't save the Earth or endangered species or natural resources
(er, no grandpa not you xD)
pissed/paranoid parents
my grades

wishing star?

better grades.
vongola ring chain/ full set of vongola rings!
phone sock
lotsandlots of candy!!!!!!!! x)
new jeans
iPhone 3G S
rebonded hair
parents who don't treat me like an fucking imbecile
get rid of stupid filterPLEASE forget to put it on the new CPU.
nice laptop
new wallet
get to know god better
read more fanfic Not after the heart attack from the last crossover
friends for ever



Maxiumum width 144px! :]

parallel worlds


Qing Yun
Sin Yee
Yen Jean
Zhi Xin

Ting Ting
Xuan Li



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January 2010
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March 2010
April 2010


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

- please keep the credits AS THEY ARE :] thankyou.