you're a mystery yourself
Friday, 30 April 2010
7:04:00 pm

...nothing to type about.
My dears, I don't post daily life crap- liyin and liran came over today to do the Lit AA.
I collected all my data for the Physics PT in one day, behold my awesome PRONESS narcissism (:

I think, that I am doing an extremely good job of ignoring my cousin~~~

So anyway I was listening to Hashire on the bus today, and I was thinking that actually -what was his name-
My cousin suggested that I type about my brother putting the chair on the bed, so:
...I do not waste my precious time typing about, despite their extreme annoyingness, trivial matters such as family. Yes.
- Ichinose Hidekazu can sing, you know, to an extent, it's just that Goku's character requires him to sound unbelievably constipated.
Well technically, not constipated per se, but sort of...oh heck, constipated. I can't think of a better word. This is just awesome.
And so I am relegated to calling poor Gokudera constipated.
I'm sorry, Gokkun T_T

Can I let my cousin hijack due to extreme boredom? Thankyou.
what i want to say is go to and now.Nuhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Red herring red herring red herring, don't follow that one.
Immaturity. See?

Alrighty, popcorn beckons.
Bye (:

PS. It's a pity there's Golden Week this week. Stupid. The only good thing is that I get an extra week to recap the chapters and colour panels~

(My cousin wants to ask Justin freaking Bieber what P.S. means., now he wants to ask Ryan Higa. -.-)

the beauty.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010
12:19:00 am

Fffffffffffffffff sorry I drafted the damn post like twice, but they were both unacceptably incoherent and I had to toss them, they were outdated anyway, so...
Well. One thing about ORA: NACHOS.
Image hosted by ImageShack
I'm sorry. Nachos is my new addiction, after Gr8 story and (future) iPod touch and laptop and and many other things such as taking random swirly pics with my phone.
The glitter font is quite nice- ne?

I don't know. What I do know is that I don't really have much to say, as is typical, but you know how fandom always gives you something to say, but I don't feel like doing that today, so...
Hmmm, I did take some nice albeit verrah random photos with my phone in the car today (:
You know what? Turns out the nokia 6600 slide's camera works better for lomography than actual photography.
I'll see. I offed my phone already
while it warms up, let me do the crapping.

I can bring the laptop to school for RS tomorrow, thus the blogpost at an unearthly hour again :D
Need to sleep soon though. Oh right there is GB photo-taking on thursday (so soon?) so I think I get to skip...some lesson for that! I don't think it's ICT, thank god.
And no, nobody will get to see me in full u. You can ogle Ruthanne though.*shot*

Okay, have a few random pics.
It's a good thing that your grandpa has the same phone as you (albeit the newer version WTF) because then you can steal all his nifty little cables like the cool tiny three-inch long USB connection wire so you don't have to fumble in the dark with the two-foot thing that came with your own set.
And no of course he didn't notice, because well he can't use a computer after all.

Without further ado.
By the way, all of these are just lights (like streetlamps, traffic lights, taillights, signboards, yes my phone eats everything) I took while doing some funny thing with my poor camera until I got this effect. although I'm pretty sure everyone already knows how to do it even better than me -emo corner-
Any glowing neon-effecty lines' blobs are lights and things. I think ^^

This was the last one I took. It's supposed to be in the other way around, but Blogger hates me. So anyway, the car. Blue square thing at the bottom= dashboard screen; in case you're wondering, the yellow stuff on it says 'Smart Screen System'. What.
Second one. Nothing much again; the green thing at the left edge, I asssume, is a signboard. One of the big green expressway ones. Colours are prettty here ^^
The effect is SO COOL. I forgot how I got this, and don't ask me what it is either- pity about the general blurriness/ funny lighting, is all. Uh, does it look a bit de weird to you though?
Random/ lousy first picture. Ugh, so anticlimax.

Haha, that's all. I don't claim any copyright or shitty goverment policy copyright protection what the shit stuff on this, so feel free to use it for whatever you might want to(although nobody will).

Bye (:

Tag replies:
bel: Nah, I gave up in the end. On angst. And continue stalking my blog to boost my ego, please ^.^
pokhead: Pokpokpok. Spam all you want, I don't care really, lol.
Your pokking makes me want kfc T_T
bel: It's callie, and you don't sound incoherent, just confused *attacked promptly by toilet paper and trident*
This might help.; look at the comments below.

the beauty.

Saturday, 10 April 2010
6:06:00 pm

-guilty look- another offline post…what, it’s not like anyone reads this piece of crap anyway~
ahaha. Haha.
Yamamoto, stop it.
…I just went to turn on the table light and nearly tried to do that by CLICKING it.

I cut my fringe today because it was getting too long. Now it’s too short and I can’t tuck it behind my ear T_T
Oh, and I get this suspicious feeling I got food poisoning or something from the thingy we cooked in Aesthetics today –looks over at callie- eh, you got or not?
The rice was suspiciously mysteriously doubtfully untrustably freakishly hard.
I think maybe it went a little bit softer sitting in my container for hours, I don’t know how, but whatever that process was prolly made it poisonous too, which explains the food poisoning, of course.

On another note. I cannot write fanfic to save my life D:
I can write humor, and hurt/comfort disgustingly fluffy stuff and something like ultimate CRACK that sends you going ‘Uh…………’*insert eye twitch here*.
So I tried angst, and it was so fail because it sounded to me like Hibari was going mad. Well which he sort of was but I think I got carried away in any case kind of like I am now- so anyway honestly I think I can write better, uh, smut than angst.
I hope I won’t ever have to try that.

It is a curse, I tell you.
You blow your nose- see, blowing the nose is supposed to clear it, right?
Well, sinusitis causes said nose-blowing to not only NOT alleviate that damn problem, but in fact make it freaking WORSE so you end up with TWO blocked nostrils so you can’t breathe properly without sounding like a pig, or a, like, horse fart, or both.
…which basically is not breathing properly (see if I care, that’s not the point here.)
No, medicine doesn’t work. It never does. I tried Fedac, Aerius, Zyrtec, chloropheneramine (which I can’t even spell I think) and like basically every antihistamine in the house and you know what?
*cheery smile* None of them ever work!
Respiratory system, or was it nasal glands, I love you guys.
Uh, enough of my rant, I wouldn’t want you to contract it too, although technically it’s like a chronic thing so I don’t think you can do that.

Bye (:
Note to self: I will NEVER use MS Word again. Blogger screws up my formatting asdfghjkl.

the beauty.


*insert angel name here*
I'll wait for my mortal to find me out first.
twoeleven '10
girls' brigade
16 Feb- aquarius.
yup that's all (:

angel; devil


finished: bleach and 1/2 prince and katekyo hitman reborn.
reading: full metal alchemist. watching, actually.
next up: black cat, d. gray-man?
gave up on: maid-sama, inuyasha, shaman king.
otp: renruki (bleach)
other ships:
bleach: ulquihime, ginran, hitsuhina, byaruki, grimmulqui, a lot more
khr: 8059, 692718, belfran, 6996, cololal, XS, G27 and more probably
(the christian one) you want more specific I can give you also.
dark, dark chocolate
incognito windows on google chrome!


gross stuff
dumdums who don't save the Earth or endangered species or natural resources
(er, no grandpa not you xD)
pissed/paranoid parents
my grades

wishing star?

better grades.
vongola ring chain/ full set of vongola rings!
phone sock
lotsandlots of candy!!!!!!!! x)
new jeans
iPhone 3G S
rebonded hair
parents who don't treat me like an fucking imbecile
get rid of stupid filterPLEASE forget to put it on the new CPU.
nice laptop
new wallet
get to know god better
read more fanfic Not after the heart attack from the last crossover
friends for ever



Maxiumum width 144px! :]

parallel worlds


Qing Yun
Sin Yee
Yen Jean
Zhi Xin

Ting Ting
Xuan Li



November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

- please keep the credits AS THEY ARE :] thankyou.